Hello everyone, here are our sightings from July 4, 2017.  Thank You to Jolinne for sharing

“This morning’s departure began with us spending time with a young minke whale. We got great and up close looks of this individual as it surfaced right next to us and swam across the bow. We then found a small group of harbour porpoises who were working together to while feeding on herring. From there we made our way to Whitehorse Island to see the nesting black-legged kittiwakes and were also able to get great close looks to black guillemots and a razorbill. On our way back home Matt spotted two mature bald eagles and we spent time with seals.

This afternoon both the Catamaran and the Fundy Odyssey went out whale watching. We both went straight to the Eastern Wolf as there was a report of a minke whale. Got some good looks of this adult minke whale. This particular minke whale is easily recognizable due to the notches it has in its dorsal fin and it has been seen in this region for multiple years. The Odyssey left the minke whale and made their way down to Grand Manan/ Whale Cove to see if there were any whales out in that area. On their return home they stopped near the East Quoddy Head Light and had some great harbour porpoise sightings and found two bald eagles. The Catamaran stayed with the minke whale, got some great looks as this individual wasn’t doing long dive or traveling very far. On our way home we did a quick stop at Whitehorse Island and spent time with seals.”

Razorbills on Whitehorse Island


Harbour porpoise

minke whale – looks a little thin, common this time of season, time to eat!

harbour seals


Thanks to everyone who joined us today!



Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊