Sorry about the lack of posts lately. We have had a very busy season! Bird activity within the Bay of Islands peaked during the end of August and early September, when we had some of the pelagic species that have been mostly absent from the area move in for a short time. Small groups of SOOTY and GREAT SHEARWATER were seen on and off as well as a few days when Atlantic Puffin were seen in the areas around Campobello and the Wolves in high numbers. We also had quite a few RED PHALAROPE in the area for a short period of time, a species we do not usually see in this area.

During our annual pelagic whale watching trip off Grand Manan, on the 13th of Sept. we saw our first SOUTH POLAR SKUA, off of Whitehead Island. You can see a photo below of this uncommon southern visitor!

On Sept. 27th we had our annual birding trip. Although no rarities were spotted we did get to see the massive feeding groups of BONAPARTE’S GULLS feeding off Eastport as well as all the common bird species for this time of year. A couple GREAT CORMORANTS were seen on Whitehorse Island and we had good lucks at all three Scoter species that are beginning to show up to their wintering grounds in the Bay of Fundy. We also got to check out the high number of BALD EAGLES that have been feeding on schools of mackerel off the coast of Campobello Island. A big thanks to everyone who came out!

Below our some photos taken during our September trips!


South polar Skua


Great and Sooty Shearwaters


Arctic tern


Red-necked phalaropes


Red phalarope


Bald eagle


Jaeger or Skua? Anyone?


Great shearwater


Great Shearwater


Bonaparte’s Gulls


Bonaparte’s gull


Bald eagle


Remains of gull from bald eagle predation


Bald eagle

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊