Annual Offshore Trip – September 13, 2015

Hello everyone, Danielle here to share with you our offshore adventure from Sunday, September 13th!  Our annual offshore trip is something we, and our regular passengers always look forward to every year.  This year we lucked out with the weather but we were not sure...

Leatherback Sea Turtle Images

I want to send a BIG thank you out to Juhis Lankinen for sharing his photos of the leatherback sea turtle we saw on August 22, 2015.  This was such an amazing sighting and the first for Quoddy Link Marine in the 21 year history of the company (and my first leatherback...

The first week of September

Hello everyone, I am so sorry for not posting more here…we have been SO busy but I am here for a quick update.  I do want to mention that I always do daily posts on our facebook page as well. So for the past week we have been having some great sightings of both...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊