Hello everyone, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine with some sightings updates from the past 2 days.  We have had some of the best fin whale sightings of the seasons yesterday and today with as many as 5 whales feeding in the area between Bliss Island and Blacks Harbour.  Hopefully the food will stay strong in the area and the sightings like today will continue.

Here are some photos from today


Fin whale off Bliss

Fin whale off Bliss

pair of fin whales

pair of fin whales

fin whale

fin whale

fin whale approaching the Quoddy Link

fin whale approaching the Quoddy Link

blow of a finback

blow of a finback

watching fin whales from the lower deck of the Quoddy Link

watching fin whales from the lower deck of the Quoddy Link



look at the gorgeous markings on this finback

look at the gorgeous markings on this finback

scarring on the caudal peduncle

scarring on the caudal peduncle

blow of a fin whale

blow of a fin whale

Still lots of porpoise in the area and the bald eagle and seal sightings continue to be great.

Thanks for checking in today!



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