Hello everyone, we have been seeing minke whales on every departure the past 3 days and have had to deal with lots of fog!

On July 30, on our 10 am departure we had an amazing but brief sighting of a porbeagle shark in flat clam and crystal clear waters.  Thank You Jolinne for getting this picture!

The bald eagle sightings have continued to be incredible, we many on Whitehorse daily feeding on the young gulls and we have also seen groups of eagles feeding on bait balls of herring as well

Eating a young gull on Whitehorse

Talon full of small herring 

On July 28th I photographed a seal with some scar marks that I thought looked familiar and I looked back to a photo I took last October and I was right!  Check out the shark bite and the healed wound, incredible.  It is the same seal, the colour difference is due to the molting of their coat that happens with harbour seals from June-August

Today we had a really special sighting of feeding harbour porpoise.  We found a group of gulls and eagles feeding on herring and as we approached closer we could see the porpoise feeding co-operatively under the water, surrounding the ball of herring in order to keep them tightly schooled.  You can see the white bellies of the porpoise under the water in many of the photos.  Simply incredible to watch them feed!  

gulls and porpoise (white belly) feeding on herring 

porpoise (left), herring (middle) and gull 

Gulls going after herring 

There seems to be more food arriving in our part of the Bay and we are hopeful that larger whales will arrive soon, I will always keep you posted on our most recent sightings,

Cheers and thanks for stopping in,

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊