Well, we are little late but it’s that time again to name some whales! I feel really privileged that I get to be a part of helping name the Gulf of Maine whales, and it’s a group effort by researchers, naturalists and some special “citizen scientists”. Currently we are naming the resighted calves, calves are brought to the feeding grounds with their moms, after traveling from the southern calving grounds, during their first year and they are photographed and documented but they are not put up for naming until they return to the feeding grounds on their own. The whales below have been sighted by Quoddy Link during the 2009-2011 seasons and now need some great names and if you want to try your hand at naming whales, now is your chance. There are some rules….
– Each name can only be used once (I will check for you to make sure it has not been used)- No gender specific names- Names must be short, easy to pronounce, and not be offensive to anyone- No brand names- Name must be for a pattern or shape seen on the fluke (sometimes the shape of the dorsal is used or the shape of the trailing edge)
2008 calf of Clamp |
2008 calf of Nine |
2008 calf of Peedee |
2008 calf of Spar |
2008 calf of Tether |
2008 calf of Touchdown |
2009 calf of Siphon |
2010 calf of Shuttle |
You can suggest names here by commenting or go to our
facebook and you can comment right underneath the photos. When suggesting names please describe why you choose that name in detail, I need that to submit.