Hey everyone, I had the day off today and decided there was no where else I wanted to be but on the water….so I went whale watching!  We made our way off towards where we had the humpbacks yesterday and we found 3 humpbacks and about 6 fin whales.  We only got good looks at 2 of the humpbacks and one was Cork, a 9 year old female who we simply adore.

Here are a bunch of photos of Cork from today as well as a short video

She came right under the boat and gave our passengers a great look at how big she really is!

 This humpback is new to us….ID is still out…

UPDATE:  This whale as been IDed as the 2008 calf of Peedee, THANK YOU Jenn

Thanks so much for checking in today, the series of photos below is of Cork and a special regular guest with Quoddy Link, we LOVE our regulars!!


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊