Hello everyone, we had another exciting day on the Bay of Fundy that I get to tell you all about….
Our morning trip was restricted to 3 hours so we couldn’t run too far offshore but we found 6-7 finback whales a few miles off Bliss. There were scattered and moving around a little bit but there were 3 that were traveling together that we were able to get some great looks at.
Here are a few pics from this morning.
This afternoon Matt decided to take us right offshore, we did pass a few finbacks and there was word of more finback whales pass Blacks Harbour but we knew if we wanted to attempt to show our passengers humpbacks we needed to run offshore. So we made our way out to Wolves Bank and right away we saw a blow, then another….V-shaped blows….we had at least 2 right whales! We slowly made our way closer and then the whales came up on our left hand side and immediately started courting (check out Saturday’s blog post for more on courtship behaviour in right whales). We spent about a half an hour with them, then the separated and both started making their way towards the Grand Manan Channel.
Here are a bunch of photos from today
And a video as well
This was a VERY special trip, usually to see right whales out of St. Andrews you have to travel at least 30-35 miles out into the open Bay of Fundy, this is not something that would be seen on a regular basis. Right whales are critically endangered (~470 remain in the world) and a large part of the population visit the Bay of Fundy in the summer months to feed, nurse their young and court.
THANK YOU to everyone who joined us today!!