Hey everyone! Well, I woke up this morning to some thick Bay of Fundy fog which we usually do not get much of in September but luckily it burned off in time for our 10 am trip. This morning was a first for me, we spent time just outside of the Old Sow (the largest tidal whirlpool in the Western hemisphere) between Eastport, ME and Deer, Cheery and Indian Island, NB with a very large finback whale. The fin whale did lunge feed once not far off the boat. There was a minke whale and a 2nd fin whale in the area as well.

Here in the finback with Eastport, ME in the background.

The same fin whale with Cheery Island

A minke whale not far off the Old Sow

We had 5 fin whales on our afternoon departure…one off Whitehorse Island, one on the way to South Wolf (we took a run out looking for humpback whales but no luck today) and 3 in Head Harbour Passage.

Thanks for checking in today,


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊