Hey everyone, well, today is my day off but I got some great news from my co-workers, Jolinne and Nick….they has at least 4 humpbacks this morning and a number of fin whales on the Wolves Bank on the flood tide. The humpbacks have been IDed by me (and I just got confirmation from PCCS) as Arrowhead (we have seen him a number of times this season already, a male first sighted in 1976), Pike (the 2007 calf of Six), Chevron (not much is known about this young whale) and Fray (an unknown from 2009). John mentioned there were some other humpbacks they could see at a distance as well! I’m sorry I missed the trip but Jolinne gave me fluke shots (THANK YOU JOLINNE) of the 3 new humpbacks…

Pike, the 2007 calf of Six

Chevron, we also saw this whale last season

Fray, a first time sighting by Quoddy Link Marine

A lot of passengers really seem to want to whale watching on sunny days…..just so you know….the whales do NOT CARE if the sun is shining. They are here in the Bay of Fundy to feed and the overcast days are easier on your eyes, can sometimes make seeing whales at a distance much easier, and in some cases the brings their feed closer to the surface which means the whales may spend more time at the surface so don’t choose a day to come whale watching bases solely on the sun, the wind and visibility plays a much more important role.

Thanks for checking in today, we are keeping a close eye on the weather for this weekend and for our North Atlantic right whale trip on Sunday.

Thanks for checking in today


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