Good evening everyone, I just wanted to update you on our sightings from the past couple of days. We have had some fog, some wind, some rain but the finback sightings have continued to be amazing. There has to be at least 10 individual fin whales feeding in and off Head Harbour Passage the past few days, including the mom and calf pair. I have put my camera down for the trips from the last 3 days because I have wanted to take the time to watch the whales….sometimes I just really want to see them and not be looking through the view finder of my Nikon DSLR.

And for all of you birders out there the seabird sightings have been awesome….SO many shearwaters, more than I remember seeing in pervious years…northern gannets, both mature and juveniles….terns….Boneparte’s gulls and razorbills. The seabirds have been incredible.

Thanks for checking in today,


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊