Hello everyone, I have some great sightings to share from today but I also have 2 pieces of very sad news to share….first, the good news.

I was on 2 great trips today, and they were both spectacular, with 6-7 fin whales feeding on the flood tide off Bliss and Blacks.

I took this picture of a pair of fin whales and I managed to get a passenger in who was also taking a picture of the pair.

I also wanted to share this video I took today, ENJOY.

OK, now for the sad news, first, there was a dead right whale calf found on July 2/10 in the Bay of Fundy, this is from the Adopt Right Whale News Blog from the Grand Manan Whale and Seabird Research Station.

On July 2 a right whale calf was found dead 23 nautical miles from Southern Head, Grand Manan. Allied Whale from the College of the Atlantic photographed and took some samples but the badly decomposed calf was not recovered. The carcass had propeller cuts but without a full necropsy it is not known if this was pre- or post-mortem. It is also not known at this time whose calf this is but everyone will be keeping a lookout for a mother without a calf.

Not many right whales have been seen yet in the Bay of Fundy. The New England Aquarium team will begin surveys August 3 or so depending on weather and a better picture of where and how many right whales are in the Bay will be available.

And the second piece of sad news, Sodapop. a juvenile humpback we spent time with last season has been reported entangled on Stellwagen Bank. Below are some photos showing the entanglement and I will post more as I hear.

Thanks for checking in today,

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