Hello all, I hope everyone had a great Canada Day and those in the US, hope your July 4th will be great as well.
We have had 2 great days on the water, the weather is amazing here, still a little cool on the water so please dress warmly.
Yesterday we had a fin whale and both of our trips and this morning we had a fin whale on our aftenoon trip. Our AM trip today took a little patience, we searched out past South Wolf and around the Owen Basin but no luck with a fin whale and then we made our way into Head Harbour Passage. We did find a very small minke whale but John wanted to show our guests a little bigger minke and with some patience we found one and got some great looks in the end. I say this a lot on the boat, one of the best things you can bring with you whale watching is your patience!
Here are some pics from today…
This is the minke whale from our AM trip we spent some time with.
This is a fin whale we saw off Bliss Island on our 2pm departure today. I wanted to share the second photo to show you the blow….I have missed that sight so much this past winter.
Thanks for checking in today, and I also wanted to mention if you like motocycles come on down to St. Andrews this weekend for Atlanticade and why not come whale watching with Quoddy Link Marine.