Hello everyone,

I know I have been talking a lot lately about how there are many factors that can effect where we can go and possibly what species of whales we may see. Today we had some thick, offshore autumn fog as well as 15 knots of cold SW wind to deal with and this confined us to the inshore area for our 2:00 pm departure. We could not have been any luckier with the weather that we had, there were 8-10 finback whales between the mouth of Head Harbour Passage and Nubble Island and they were not staying under for very long and not making big moves when they surfaced and to the delight of everyone on board we got some fantastic looks.

Below is a video that I took today of 2 fin whales traveling side-by-side, I didn’t manage to get the terminal dives of the 2 whales on video because they crossed right over the bow of the boat but all of our passengers got some great looks!

Thanks for checking in with Quoddy today!


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊