Hello everyone…I don’t even know where to start, today was one of the most amazing days on the water I have had in 8 years. I know that over the past 5 days or so I have being sharing with you our incredible whale watches and everyday I am speechless…well today I don’t even know what to say, really….we spent our afternoon offshore with about 30 North Atlantic right whales (within a 3 mile arch to the SE). Please watch the video, I know it’s a little long but the end is SO WORTH IT!!

What you are seeing is a SAG, a surface active group. The information below is from rightwhale.ca

“Although the location of the breeding or mating ground for North Atlantic right whales is unknown, researchers believe mating takes place in the winter months during large courtship groups called Surface Active Groups or SAGs. Although SAGs are seen on the spring, summer and fall feeding grounds throughout the whales’ range, it is unlikely that these SAGs result in conception since females give birth between December and early March after a gestation period of 12-13 months. Therefore, actual mating must take place from November through February. Courtship groups on the feeding grounds have been known to last up to 6 hours. They include as many as 50 animals of which only one or two are females. Courtship groups are believed to be initiated by a focal female whose calls attract the males. The female then makes mating difficult by swimming on her back or diving away from the group. Males compete to reach her, actively pushing others away. When the focal female rolls upright to breathe, a male will attempt to copulate with her although copulations can also occur at the surface with the female upside down. Since multiple copulations take place during courtship groups, it is speculated that sperm competition plays a role in right whale reproduction. Supporting that theory are the size of the male testes and penis: at >800 kg, the testes are the largest in the world and the penis is among the longest, up to 3 m. In both categories they are the largest relative to body size among baleen whales. Genetic studies have shown that female right whales mate and produce calves with several different partners during their reproductive lifespan.”

Today was another amazing day (the photo above was taken by Jolinne), another one that I will never forget and has left me speechless. Every trip is different and as I have said before it’s such a dynamic environment and so many factors affect where we may go and what we may see.

Thanks for checking in today,

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊