It’s officially in the books, our special trip 30-35 miles out into the open Bay of Fundy to see the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale has been scheduled for September 13th at 7:30 am. This is a trip we only do once or twice a year (we wouldn’t want to make this a regular trip and add extra boat traffic around these whales and it is is very weather dependent) so make your reservations early as it usually fills up very quickly.

Here is all of the important info….

North Atlantic Right Whale Trip

September 13th, 2009

7:30 am (arrive at the office NO LATER than 7:00 am and should return by 2:00 pm)

$75.00 (+tax)/adult and $50.00 (+ tax)/youth (no children under 12 years old)

Cancellations or reservation changes by September 10th

Maximum of 35 passengers (our Catamaran is certified for 47 passengers, we keep the numbers down for this trip)

Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Food Bank

Brings along snacks and non-alcoholic drinks (there is no snack bar but we will serve hot chocolate and a salmon mousse with crackers)

PLEASE dress warm

Please call the day before to check weather, if the forecast is not suitable will will cancel on

September 12th (if we cancel the whale watch will be changed to a regular departure and you will have the option of keeping your reservation)

For more information or to make a reservation please call 1-877-688-2600

Below are some photos from past trips

These 2 are from our 2008 trip, we had an incredible trip, spending time with a cow and her young calf

The 3 below are from our 2006 trip (in the top photo: the Quoddy Link with a right whale fluke and the middle is a cow/calf pair)

Come and join us and experience the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, call 1-877-688-2600.

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊