Hello everyone, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine. This morning we did a special trip to support the effort to Save Passamaquoddy Bay. We took many locals of Charlotte County and some supporters from across the border out into Head Harbour Passage. This passage way is at the heart of a battle to prevent LNG tankers from entering Passamaquoddy Bay. Head Harbour Passage is such a vibrant and alive place, the strong tidal currents create upwelling, bringing the cold, nutrient rich water from the ocean floor to the surface which feeds the plankton, which feeds in the krill, which in turn feeds the herring and the herring feeds most of the predators including seals, porpoise, many seabirds and whales. In my 7 years with Quoddy Link Marine we have documented finback (including a mother and calf pair) and minke whales in Head Harbour Passage every summer and on a few very special occasions we have seen humpback and even a critically endangered North Atlantic right whale right up Head Harbour Passage! It is such an amazing place and thank you to all who joined this morning, your support is greatly appreciated!
Our afternoon trip was a regularly scheduled whale watch which turned out to be a Hat Trick! We saw EKG, a humpback whale we have been watching since 2006, 3 finback whales, all close to the entrance of Head Harbour Passage and a very young minke whale between White and Nubble Island. It was a great trip! Below is EKG, note the distinct upturned flukes.