Hello everybody, it’s Danielle back from the cold waters of the Bay of Fundy with video and pictures from another incredible day! On our 2pm departure John decided to take us immediately offshore in search of the humpback whales that we spent time with yesterday. As we arrived,
Fundy Tide Runners, a fellow whale watching company out of St. Andrews had located EKG, a humpback whale we saw yesterday for the first time in 2008. EKG was travelling from “his” flood tide feeding grounds towards the Grand Manan Chanel, which has been known to be an ebb tide feeding ground for humpbacks in the fall. As “he” started travelling he would stop every now and then and roll over and slap his 6-8 foot pectoral flippers on the surface! It was our first sighting of pectoral slapping this season. This is a normal surface behaviour for humpbacks and it was awesome to see! The Zodiac that you see in the videos is Fundy Tide Runners.
After spending some time with EKG we spotted another humpback towards the Chanel and when we arrived we found Cork and……just like yesterday she decided to get curious with the boat! Today I took some video from the lower deck. The second video is Cork fluking, or raising her tail, after her close encounter.
On our way back towards St. Andrews we stopped just off the entrance to Head Harbour Passage at the northern tip of Campobello Island with 1 fin whale and a few minke whales. Everyone was feeding very happily on herring. The finback did a few lunge feeds, one very close to the boat. I didn’t manage to get any pictures or videos…I tried though.Thanks for checking in, today was another fabulous fall whale watch. Check back often for more updates with Quoddy Link. Cheers!