Hello everyone, it’s Danielle from Quoddy Link Marine back from a few days away from Blogger! I wanted to share our fantastic fin whale sightings with you and a few video clips that I have taken. A few days ago we had 4 finback whales travelling side-by-side….they were so powerful and beautiful to watch and you know what, if we hadn’t been as patient as we were, waiting for all of the other boat traffic to leave, we never would have got the sightings that we did. Patience really does pay off when you are watching wildlife! Below are a few pictures from that trip.
The video that I am sharing is from our departure yesterday. We searched….and searched for a humpback whale and with some word of right whales not too far from Swallowtail we made our way WAY offshore. With no luck we worked over towards where some fellow whale watching boats left a pair of finback whales. We found only one but it was an incredible sighting. This young whale lunge fed 2 times right close to the boat giving our passengers an incredible view of the awesome power of these whales. I wasn’t able to catch the feeding on video but I did catch a partial tail raise on the video below. If you watch the videos note the exhale and inhale of the fin whale and look at the size of the smaller harbour porpoise compared to the finback! There were also LOTS of birds (mostly gulls and northern gannets) in the area, also feeding on the prey that the finback was after
On a sadder note, we had to cancel our North Atlantic right whale trip for tomorrow due to the impending stormy conditions. As of right now we have no plans to reschedule due to the unpredictable fall weather but I will let you know if that changes. I do want to share a post from the Bay of Fundy Blog, National Geographic just published an article about North Atlantic right whales and there is a link to it on Terri’s blog (if you haven’t checked out her blog, have a look, it’s fantastic!).For all of you bald eagle fans…..the sightings have been great! We have had some trips where on small islands we are able to see 5-10 eagles, both juvenile and adults. This photo below is from Nubble Island, there were 2 adult eagles perched on one corner of the island and we could see 3 juveniles soaring above.I know I do this blog to inform you of whale and wildlife sightings with Quoddy Link Marine but I wanted to share an experience I had on Thursday. I took the day off and had the pleasure to go sea kayaking with Bruce Smith, a dear friend and owner of Seascape Kayak Tours on Deer Island, NB. I have spent 7 years on the waters of the Bay of Fundy and while paddling with Bruce I was able to experience those waters in a whole new way. I really was speechless….it was incredible. If you ever have the opportunity to visit our area and you want to try kayaking take the ferry out to Deer Island and paddle with Seascape, it truly is an amazing experience. If you do not want to drive around Quoddy Link Marine and Seascape kayak have a partnership where we can shuttle you from St. Andrews on our Scout Boat to Northwest Harbour, Deer Island where you can paddle with Bruce and his staff and we will pick you up when you are finished and take you back home to St. Andrews. It will save you 45 minutes of driving and a 20 minute ferry crossing (and any wait in the ferry line)!
Thanks for checking in today, the weather forecast is not the greatest for the next few days but I will keep you posted! Cheers!