Well, just as I published today’s post I got a response back from Jooke Robbins, the director of the humpback whale research at Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies about the identity of our new little humpback whale. I would like to introduce Six’s 2007 calf! What this means is that this little one is only a year old, on the feeding grounds for the first time with out mom and because of this resighting will now be put up for naming at the 2009 Gulf of Maine Humpback Whale Naming Event next spring! Humpbacks are recorded with their moms but not put up for naming until they are resighted the following year without their mom. This young whale will be given a name based on the pigmentation on the underside of the fluke. Researchers will be looking for a dominant black mark and select a name based on the shape of that mark. Any suggestions??

Thanks again for checking. And can I just say I LOVE MY JOB! Cheers!

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