Well, what another great day out on the Bay of Fundy. It started off foggy but by our 5:30 trip the winds had begun to shift and the fog was almost completely moved out. On our morning trip we were around the mouth of Head Harbour Passage with a large finback whale. Our Scout Boat was offshore looking for humpback whales but with no luck. By the time our 2:00 pm departure rolled around we got word from John that he had found 2 humpback whales offshore so we headed directly out. When we arrived we found both Hobo and Cork, 2 humpbacks we have become very familiar with at Quoddy Link Marine. Even with the humpback whale sightings on our afternoon trip I think that our evening trip was my favorite of the day. We had 3 large finback whales off East Quoddy Head Light on the northern tip of Campobello Island. They were charging around and giving our passengers amazing views of their imense power, speed and grace.
Below is a photograph of a finback whale taken today, on our 10:00 am departure.
Here is a picture of a Northern Gannet. These amazing seabirds are plunge divers, sometimes diving from a height of over 100 feet. They are going after herring, the same food source as our porpoise, whales and many birds.
A grey seal, one of the 2 species of seals commonly seen in the Bay of Fundy. Note the long forehead, large nose and wide-spaced eyes.
Thanks so much for checking in with us, I’m going to leave you with a picture of Hobo, a humpback we spent some time with today on our 2:00pm trip. The weather looks fantastic for tomorrow and we are hoping to get offshore to look for humpbacks. I’ll keep you posted.