Hello everyone, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link with a few days of sightings. The fog continues to keep the offshore areas out of reach and on some of our morning and evening trips the fog is just too thick in the Islands to try and go and see whales. We have gotten 4 of our last 6 departures in and all trips we have been able to show our passengers finback whales just off the northern tip of Campobello Island. And on this evenings departure we had a very nice sighting of a minke whale. Below is a photo of a finback whale I took on this afternoons trips.

The bird sightings continue to be great, the offshore fog usually brings in some of the offshore avian life to the excitement of our bird fanatics. Our regular inshore seabird sightings are great as well. Today we saw greater shearwaters, northern gannets, Bonaparte’s gulls, an Atlantic puffin (everyones favorite), bald eagles and black guillemots.

The weather isn’t looking very promising for tomorrow but you never know what Mother Nature has in store. I’ll keep you all posted and thanks for checking in.

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊